Thursday 2 September 2010

A lot of firsts!!

I had to skip forward about 2 years I'm afraid to today. I will continue his deaf journey very soon I promise. I have to share how I'm feeling about Oliver starting school tomorrow. I guess it just hit me today. When your getting the necessary school uniform, new shoes, plimsoll's, bag, lunchbox etc etc you just do it without realising that your little baby has actually got to that age already. I am sure most mums will agree that the time goes unbelievable too fast. It feels like only 2 years ago that we brought him home for the first time. The little dot he was...(yes it's true he was once tiny only 6lb 9oz) I remember thinking about school and that it would be a lifetime away and that we had sooo much time to spend together.
I am fairly sad about the whole thing to be perfectly honest. I won't have him at home making noise and playing with his many cars and asking for food every 10 minutes of the day. I won't have to plan outings to the park during the day to make sure he gets enough fresh air or making sure he gets enough speech practice with games we had been reccommended to play together. It's the whole together that I will miss. Tomorrow when he has his uniform on will be wonderful because he has come such a long way on his life's journey so far. He has got to this point that I felt would never arrive. He is speaking in 3-4 words sentences, he reads numbers up to 20. He can now understand the counting sequence. He is close to learning the alphabet and just 2 years 3 months ago he couldn't even say Mama. I'm amazed and feel truly blessed for having Oliver in our lives and I'm glad we have had the experience we have, even though it's been really tough at times. This is just another chapter in his life and it just feels like he is accomplishing far more than i ever expected. He amazes me with his positive attitude and happy nature and confidence with life in general. I will write in tomorrow and tell about his first day at primary school.
He also has his first swimming lesson this evening. We wanted to make sure he was confident in the water especially as he can't wear his processors in the water. There is a lot of actions and animation in his lessons apparently so he can basically copy what he has to do and lip read a little. I'm excited for him. He may even turn out to be a super duper swimmer. Until tomorrow!!!